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[2022-23 Academic Year] Week-29 (04/16/2023) – Circular

[2022-23 Academic Year] Week-29 (04/16/2023) – Circular

அன்புடையீர் வணக்கம்,

Welcome to week-29 of the 2022-23 academic year. 

Upcoming important dates/events:

Apr 16, 2023: Tamil new year potluck

May 07, 2023: Finals (all grades except preschool 1 & 2)

May 13, 2023: Graduation & Annual day

Final Exam (May 07, 2023)

There will be no make-up tests for finals beyond May 07, 2023. Anyone not available to take the finals on May 7th, should write the exam earlier and not later.

Tamil New Year Potluck (Apr 16, 2023)

Let us all get together and celebrate Tamil New Year with a potluck at our school campus on Apr 16th 2023. All are welcome at the event. Thanks to all the parents, teachers and volunteers who have signed up until now; we are almost there and a couple of slots are open. We request you to use the following link to sign up: 


Graduation / Annual Day (May 13, 2023)

Graduation Day is fast approaching and the students will have the opportunity to participate in cultural programs. All students are expected to participate as this would be a good platform to display their skills and more importantly build confidence. We request all students to participate in the cultural programs planned for Graduation Day. A high-level theme for the Annual day is set and guidelines have been given to the respective class teachers and were announced in the assembly earlier. All teachers should have closed the script details by now and should have started practice sessions if not already.

Assembly: The school will start with an assembly session at 9:45 AM behind the building if weather permits.

Upcoming assembly performance schedule:

Apr 16, 2023: Preschool 2 A

Apr 23, 2023: Preschool 2 B

Apr 30, 2023: Preschool 1 A

*Assembly schedule may shift right if any cancellations occur due to inclement weather. 

Full assembly performance calendar schedule: URL

FetNA convention & other details: Registration for the FetNA annual convention scheduled for June 30, July 1-2,  at Sacramento. Check https://fetna.org for further details.

To register for Master of Ceremonies (MC), use the following link:


To register for Thirukkural in Music, use the following link:


To register for Thamizh Thai Vazhthu, use the following link:


Attendance: Attendance is a critical component of our grading system. The attendance officer will mark attendance during the live classroom session. Arriving after the assembly or leaving before 11.15 am will be marked as tardy. Don’t forget that 100% attendance gets special recognition on our school’s graduation day. 

Important links:

School calendar: https://www.catamilacademy.org/FolsomSchedule.html

For all other technical support and questions, please reach out to the administration team at the link below: 


வாழ்க தமிழ்!


Kavitha & Raj

STA Administration team

மறுமொழி இடவும்

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